
A Book of Journaling & Sketching
Inspired by the Art & Writings of Lilias Trotter

Mother’s Day is just around the corner begging the perennial question:  What do I give that special woman (or women!) in my life?  We suggest Beholdings!  It is always a delight to get feedback about our Lilias-related publications.  Beholdings is no exception.  While titled “a book for journaling & sketching,” our readers suggest other creative ways in which they are using this book: 

  • A prayer diary to record prayer requests and responses
  • A devotional – meditating on the painting and/or quote on each page
  • A place to capture in words and/or sketches sightings or blessings – beholdings! – noticed in one’s daily life
  • A book in which to map their spiritual pilgrimage by highlighting key landmarks in their walk of faith


Responses to Beholdings:
“What a splendid book.  I’m going to read a page a day.”

“What a lovely project!  I’ll use it to record this year’s daily Sightings – those human noticings that see how God is working in our world, in our lives, and in the natural environments around us.”

“I was bowled over – all the thought, care, work, and love that went into creating the beautiful & inspiring journal, Beholdings.”

“Lilias Trotter Legacy’s latest book Beholdings is not so much a text as it is a beautifully crafted invitation . . .  inspired by the journals and sketches of Lilias Trotter.”

“Lilias Trotter is amazing.  She is inspired in her prose and beautiful watercolors. Wonderful!”

“Beautiful journal.  This journal which includes paintings and quotes from Lilias Trotter is lovely. In fact, you may enjoy looking at the pages even more than journaling. Excellent gift for friends.”

“Beautiful.  I have just discovered Lilias Trotter and her writings and paintings. Beautiful watercolors evoking all aspects of her life especially spent in Africa are on each page with a snippet of a quote from her writings. Even without journaling, it’s a pleasure to page through admiring her wonderful talent and Godly perspective.”

“Beauty begets beauty. When you settle into the lovely confines of Beholdings, a Book of Journaling and Sketching Inspired by the Art and Writings of Lilias Trotter, the aesthetic ambiance is designed to inspire and prompt a similarly lovely response from you. Lined and blank pages invite you to Behold your world with “heartsight” and “eyesight” replete with a refreshing sense of wonderment. Lilias’ watercolors and wisdom frame each page, beckoning you to adorn your own life’s canvas from the rich palate of experiences and reflections newly filtered by grace.”



Order your copy today to receive it in time for Mother’s Day:

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