The following is a list of book, booklets, and manuscripts by and about Lilias Trotter.  Some of them are linked to online pdf versions (indicated by one asterisk*) or to hard copy print versions, available for purchase (indicated by two asterisks**).  All other sources listed are out of print.  Most of the out-of-print items are housed in the Arab World Ministries/Algiers Band Archives, on loan at the SOAS University of London and/or in the Lilias Trotter Papers at the Wheaton College (Illinois) Special Collections.  Information on both archives can be found on our Primary Repositories page.

Books By I. Lilias Trotter

*Between the Desert and the Sea
**Parables of the Cross (re-issued in facsimile edition)
**Parables of the Christ-life (re-issued in facsimile edition)
The Master of the Impossible
**The Way of the Sevenfold Secret 


Booklets By I. Lilias Trotter

Back-ground and Fore-ground
Cherry Blossom
The Glory of the Impossible (full text in the Appendix of the biography, A Passion for the Impossible)
Literature for Moslem Boys
Sand Lilies
A Thirsty Land and God’s Channels
*Vibrations (full text can also be found in the Appendix of the biography A Passion for the Impossible)
Winter Buds

Story Parables by I. Lilias Trotter

The Bag of Wool
*The Bedouin and His Camel
The Blood Feud of El Hanouchi
The Debt of Ali Ben Omar
The field of Sahab en Niya
Landsnakes and Seasnakes
The Letter That Came from a Far Country
The Lost Ones in the Sahara
Neseefa the Slave Girl
The Robe of Er-Rashid
The Story of the Nightingale
Water Lilies:  A Paper for Mothers
*Adaptations of eight of the above story parables can be found here: Story Parables

Out-of-Print Manuscripts

*The Bird Book

Unpublished Manuscripts

*The Letter “M”
*Heavenly Light on Daily Life
*Solomon’s Temple Carvings
(transcripts of her “Sunday Afternoon Bible Lessons” shared from her bed during her final weeks of life)


Books and Manuscripts about I. Lilias Trotter

**Elisabeth Elliot.  A Path Through Suffering.  Meditations based on Trotter’s Parables of the Cross and Parables of the Christ-life.  Ann Arbor:  Vine Books, 1992.
*Constance E. Padwick. “An Evangelistic Mission at Work.” (manuscript)
Constance E. Padwick.  I. Lilias Trotter. Croydon:  Watson, n.d.
*Blanche A. F. Pigott.I. Lilias Trotter. London:  Marshall, 1929.
**Miriam Rockness. A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter. Lilias Trotter Legacy, Inc.  (first published by Harold Shaw Publishers, 1999)
**Miriam Rockness. A Blossom in the Desert: Reflections of Faith in the Art and Writings of Lilias Trotter.  Lilias Trotter Legacy, Inc. (first published by Discovery House, 2007)
I. R. Govan Stewart.  The Love That Was Stronger.  London:  Lutterworth Press, 1958.
Patricia St. John.  Until The Day Breaks.  Bronley, Kent:  OM Publishing 1990.
*These sources have online PDF versions, available by clicking the link.
**These sources are available as books to purchase (click link for more information).
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