“Once for all, here and now, this light will break on you if you
lift up your eyes and behold Jesus Christ with the spiritual vision of the soul.
– The Way of the Sevenfold Secret
Advent comes early this year, November 27, hardly giving us time to catch our breath from Thanksgiving Day! Yet Advent is not another event for which to prepare, but a season of preparation. Many churches and individual family units prepare their hearts for the annual celebration of the coming of Christ by a weekly focus on a particular aspect of the story of Jesus, often accompanied by a candle lighting ceremony for each respective week. While this may vary in subject and order, typically, it includes the following: The Prophets’ Candle – for the prophets who foretold Christ’s coming; The Bethlehem Candle – for the City of David, Bethlehem, where Christ was born; The Shepherds’ Candle – for the shepherds who first witnessed the baby Jesus; The Angels’ Candle – for the angels who heralded the Incarnation. The story culminates, Christmas Eve, with the Christ Candle – for the birth of Christ who is the Light of the world.
Today there is a wealth of resources to focus the hearts and minds of Christ-followers through this time of year often cluttered with distractions and busyness. Many are rich with devotional readings and music and art. Lilias Trotter Legacy adds our own newly updated on-line devotional resource, Light of Life, begging the question: What, if anything, does another devotional resource have to offer? Those who love Lilias will be inspired by a timely quote culled from her writings. Their spirits will be lifted by the exquisite painting paired with her thoughts. They will pause to apply her thoughts with “A Moment with Lilias.”
Additionally, each devotional expands the daily topic with related Scripture accompanied by several reflection questions, an Advent meditation, and concluding with a heart-song to guide one in worship. Week by week, topic by topic, the daily readings gradually build a comprehensive picture of the Christmas Story, much like a jigsaw puzzle, taking shape with each added piece.
This updated free downloadable Lilias Trotter-inspired Advent devotional, Light of Life, is available on our website. You are welcome to print the entire devotional, or just follow along online. For a direct link to the devotional, click the link below: