Exciting News!


We are thrilled to announce the August issue of Christian History magazine featuring Lilias Trotter!  Christian History is an award-winning periodical, issued quarterly, that features one general topic, written by handpicked, trustworthy historians.  It is characterized by high quality design, creative approach, and timeliness (or timelessness!) of subjects covering important events and figures in the history of Christianity.

It has been a privilege for the Lilias Trotter Legacy to partner with the extraordinary team at Christian History and, with our input, watch how they highlighted Lilias’s unique life and legacy bringing together Lilias-related individuals, movements, and events of significance into a compelling and beautiful entity.  We could not have asked for a finer or more comprehensive treatment of her life and times – and legacy.

On a more personal note, this has been a long-time dream of mine. Years ago, I approached Dr. Harold Smith, then CEO of Christianity Today, publisher of Christian History, about this possibility. Christian History, I learned, was in transition from a Christianity Today publication back to Christian History Institute, under the guidance of its founder, Dr. Kenneth Curtis. So it didn’t happen – then. Years later, it came up again, this time initiated by Christian History.  And the timing – God’s timing – was perfect.  Lilias Trotter Legacy has so much more to offer by way of on-line resources and publications than when I first proposed this idea.  And we could not have asked for a better team to present Lilias!  Once again, as with all-things-Lilias, we marvel over the “poetry of God’s ways.”

If you are a Lilias Trotter enthusiast, you will delight in this issue. And what better way to introduce Lilias to someone who has not yet made her acquaintance!

To order Christian History Issue 148 – “Lilias Trotter: The life, work and surprising legacy of an unsung artist and missionary” – click here, or the button at the end of this email.  While you are on-site, scroll down to view the offerings of the past 147 issues of historical importance.

Miriam Huffman Rockness

Sneak peak of an interior page spread

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