Parables of the Christ-life
Author: Lilias Trotter
Paperback: 118 pages
Publisher: Lilias Trotter Legacy
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1-73440-0102
ISBN-13: 978-1–734400106
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.3 x 6 inches
Facsimile Edition
“Notice how saturated [Lilias’s] writings are with biblical images and phrases. It isn’t so much that she quotes the Bible. It is more like Scripture is in the very air she breathes. The rootedness we find in Scripture we find in Lilias’s writings too. The pace and wisdom of her prose feels gospel.” – Richard Foster
Lilias Trotter’s Parables of the Christ-life was first published by Marshall Brothers, London, and printed by E. Nister Nuremberg (Bavaria). Though undated, her diaries reveal that it was conceived in 1897 while walking through the African hillsides then written at the Olivage Training Center outside Algiers during months of Saturdays in 1898. Her two parable books—Parables of the Cross and Parables of the Christ-life—written respectively in England and North Africa, compliment each other as Lilias explores faith-lessons derived from the plant life unique to each region. Though Parables of the Christ-life, like the first parable book, was popular upon publication with numerous reprintings, it had been out-of-print for decades. This singular facsimile edition is reproduced from the first edition and is faithful in both the presentation of text and colorplates.